My name is Sally Kung, and I want to make difference in people's lives through my work in design.
As a self-taught designer, I have learned a lot of processes, principles and best practices of UX/UI and product design through online courses, workshops and blogs while applying these to my personal and professional work.
🌎 Global Sustainability
After finding out the truth about "compostable" packaging, I converted to an almost no-plastic, low-waste life. I am currently looking for ways to help others do the same!
🍳 Cooking and baking absolutely everything
Food has always been an essential part of my life. I enjoy cooking and baking, and doing it from scratch helps me bring less plastic packaging home from the grocery store.
Notable items I've learned to make during quarantine: bread, kimchi, souffle pancakes, flour tortillas, pizza,
🏐 Volleyball
I've loved playing volleyball since I was in middle school. I'm currently on a Taiwanese-led women's team.
From vegetables and herbs to house plants, there's never enough in the apartment. You can catch me outside any plant shop looking to bring another one home.
I am constantly looking for more ways to learn and improve. Here are the specializations and courses I've recently completed to help:
UI / UX Design Specialization
Interaction Design Specialization (In Progress)
Basics of Web Development & Coding Specialization (In Progress)